Answered By: Tim Leonard
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2021     Views: 238

The EBSCO platform provides translation options for both the user interface and the full text (HTML) view of journal articles. Databases that use the EBSCO platform include CINAHL, MEDLINE, Art Full Text and SPORTDiscus. 

Language options include (among others): 

  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • French
  • Korean
  • Spanish
  • Portugese


How to translate the EBSCO user interface


Once in an EBSCO database, select the Languages option in the top right menu.

The Languages menu in the EBSCO platform


Select the language of your choice and the user interface and search options will be translated. 

The EBSCO interface translated into Arabic


Translating the interface will not translate the full text of journal articles - to do this follow the steps below. 


How to translate the full text of journal articles on the EBSCO platform


A translate feature is available in the HTML Full Text version of an article.

Select the language of your choice from the Choose Language menu and select Translate

The Choose Language menu on the EBSCO platform


The full text of the article will be translated into the language of your choice. 

An article on the EBSCO platform translated into Arabic


This video from EBSCO provides an overview of a range of options on the platform, including the translate feature.