Answered By: Tim Leonard Last Updated: Feb 27, 2023 Views: 219
Discover@Bolton provides options to filter results to item types (journal articles, ebooks/books, conference proceedings etc) but does not feature options to limit results to original research or review articles. To do this you will need to use a specific database.
The Library provides access to a wide range of databases, which are available from our A-Z List of Databases. The most relevant databases for your subject area are also highlighted on your Subject Guide.
Choose a database which seems relevant to your topic and explore the search options. There will often be an Advanced Search page which will give you the greatest number of options for filtering your search.
Databases such as CINAHL, MEDLINE and PsycInfo all provide options to include and exclude particular publication types. In addition they may allow you to filter results to particular methodologies such as clinical trials. For more on this see our dedicated FAQ.
Look for options such as Publication Type. In this example on CINAHL we can choose "Research" as an option.
Some databases may offer a Methodology filter instead. In this example on PsycInfo we could select a number of metholodies but leave "Literature Review" unselected.
You may need to try a number of options and explore the results. All of our databases have extensive help options within their platform - we also produce a range of Resource Guides on key databases such as ScienceDirect and Scopus.
If you are struggling to find what you are looking for, please contact us! You can also Book an Appointment with an Academic Librarian to discuss a particular topic that you are researching.
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