Answered By: Tim Leonard
Last Updated: Nov 07, 2022     Views: 181

A laptop showing participants in a video call

We recommend use of the Library's Group Study Zone or the SLZ to participate in online lectures via Zoom or Teams. You can also book one of our Individual Study Pods

Individual Study Pods


You can use our Quiet and Silent areas to watch videos on a PC or your own device if you have headphones and the volume is set so that it does not disturb other users. You can borrow a headset from the Library Helpdesk if you do not have your own. You may be asked to move to another area of the Library if other users are being disturbed.

If you need to speak out loud to participate in the session, please use the Group Study Zone or the SLZ - or book a Study Pod. 

Group Study Zone in the Peter Marsh Library

Our bookable Group Study Rooms are prioritised for use by groups rather than individuals making video calls. If you are having difficulty finding a suitable space for your needs, please Contact Us

Our main laptop loan service is now available again, and the loan period has been extended from three hours to five hours. You may use these laptops in other spaces on campus as long as they are returned before the end of the five hour loan period.