Make sure that you are going via our web pages which include Discover@Bolton, our Databases A-Z and your Subject Guide. We use special links to provide access to resources.
If you have used Google to find an article, try searching for it again on Discover@Bolton, and following the link from there. If you are a regular user of Google Scholar we recommend that you set up the relevant Library Links.
It may be the case that we don't have access to the particular article in question: sometimes we may subscribe to only some of the issues. A good way of checking is to search for the title on the Ejournals portal. This will tell you which years or issues we have access to. If you aren't sure - please contact us.
If you find that we don't have access to the article and you consider that it will be useful, you could request the article via our Inter-Library Loan service. This is only available to students and staff registered at UoB and not those at our partner institutions.
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